Monday, August 14, 2006


Well, its been awhile since I wrote, but not much has been going on really. I booked my flight, that was kind of scary, so officially I am leaving on Sept 6, however, I still have yet to receive some documents I need to send on for my visa to be completed, so lets cross our fingers that everything goes through before that. Other than that, nothing much is going on, just been working and chilling, spent at least half of this last weekend sleeping and lazing around the house, it was a nice break. Last weekend was Big Valley and also Heritage Days in Edmonton so I checked out both those events as well. Hopefully I'll do something more exciting soon to post about! Lol. Hope everyone is well and enjoying these last few weeks of summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yo!!!!!! wassup gal i'm gonna miss you dearly. I enjoyed ur company, all these years we've been together.
Gal!!! ur going to wanderland don't forget to smile, for real it's the second best thing u can do with ur lips.