Welcome to 2007, and just for the occasion I thought it was definately time to put up a new post, particulary since its been so long I am guessing people have stopped checking :-S So, I am currently still working in Camrose, at least for the next week, but I am also officially moved to Edmonton, so I am really excited about that. I got the chance to take a week off and head home for Christmas, was so nice to see all my family, it felt like so long, although I guess it wasn't so bad, only missed Thanksgiving... made it back to Edmonton for New Years Eve and had a great time hanging out with lots of friends I had also not seen in awhile. I am really excited about moving to Edmonton, and this morning I woke up to a call for a job interview, so I have my fingers crossed that will work out for me! Nothing much else is new I guess, I'm still pondering the idea of going back to school in September to do my masters, but will have to wait and see how the next few months go. I'll put some pictures of New Years and Tiana's new lil baby up now for your enjoyment!!
Christmas Day

Jada Isabelle

New Years Eve 2006/2007

Well there's a little update for you all :-) Enjoy!
hey baby
i miss you so much!!!!
hope things are going good with you!!!
love ya
you are coming to Edmonton!! YAY! i'm excited!!!!
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