Oh my faithful readers- I know it's been long again, maybe some people are still checking this though, so here is the latest update! I made it out to Waterloo at the end of August and since I have settled in quite well. The city is really spread out and I haven't really seen that much of it, but the University is fairly close and the bus schedule isn't so bad, so things are going well! I live in a very nicely renovated townhouse with two other graduate students from the other university in town- Wilfred Laurier. The girls are great, Anna is studying Sociology and Tiffany Public Policy- we are just different enough that we get along great!
MBET has been pretty good so far, it's not exactly what I expected, but then I don't really know what I was expecting. It's very focused on the Entrepreneurship part and our courses are set up in such a way that we can go through the whole process. We have had lots of chances to network and hear some amazing speakers, it's really forcing me to start getting out and meeting people. The class is divided into two sections for most of the time but all the people are great, and we do spend time outside of school getting together and having a good time.
The weather here has been so good to us, I have never seen an October so warm- and I'm loving it- apparently the winters don't get too cold here either (well compared to the great prairies), so I guess time will tell.
Ro came out to visit me a few weeks ago and we had a good time, headed into Toronto for one night and stayed at the Sheraton downtown- it was a blast and so nice to spend time with her, as it's hard when you are first getting to know new people and they don't really know the real you.
Over Thanksgiving, my third Thanksgiving away from home now, I headed to Ottawa with Tiffany. I was really impressed with the city, it was beautiful and seemed to have a calm to it. I went out with Patrick a couple nights and had a blast as well, it was just an overall relaxing, fun weekend. Tiffany's mom made a wonderful dinner for us and it was nice to be in a family setting- even if it wasn't my own!
Right now, I'm spending most of my time in school, but also relaxing at home and trying to enjoy the time as much as possible as I know it's going to go fast. I am heading to Edmonton on December 14th for Christmas break and then from there I will head down to Kyle for probably a week around Christmas and New Years Eve is currently wide open. I am really excited to come home for a break and can't wait to see everyone!! I miss you all! Hope life is being good to you, and I will try to update again soon, with pictures as well!!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Summer's Ending...
Well, I'm glad to say the last couple weeks have been pretty uneventful!! I officially fly out of Edmonton next Thursday evening and will head to Sask for a day, then it's off to Ontario, driving out with my Mom and Jill. I am super excited to get back into school and even more excited to graduate and get an amazing job! :-) I have a place to live and everything arranged, so hopefully when I get there I can settle in quickly and get into the swing of school again. Been spending the last little while trying to catch up some friends before leaving, had an EXCELLENT weekend with Ro and Christine, checked out the Ne-Yo concert, WOW, it was so awesome, after the 2 hours standing and waiting! Took in a couple of the festivals around Edmonton, Heritage Days, Cariwest. This weekend I'm thinking of having a low-key farewell of sorts, no definate plans yet, but if you aren't too busy on Saturday please give me a call!
Other than that not much else new, been finding it interesting not having a vehicle, didn't realize how much I relied on that, but it's a good way to start adjusting now, as it's a year without one!
Thought I'd add some pictures for your viewing pleasure...

Last minute trip home to SK..

Ne-Yo concert and the after party!!

Birthday Fun!
Other than that not much else new, been finding it interesting not having a vehicle, didn't realize how much I relied on that, but it's a good way to start adjusting now, as it's a year without one!
Thought I'd add some pictures for your viewing pleasure...
Last minute trip home to SK..
Ne-Yo concert and the after party!!

Birthday Fun!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
So Much For Relaxing Holidays
Well, I started my birthday off well, had a good night got to see tons of people and all in all brought in 23 with a bang. Then, Thursday started. Found out on Thursday that we had to be out of our place by Tuesday (some issues with the subletting contract I guess) and so begins my mad scramble. So, Friday we were able to find a place and Saturday we luckily were allowed to move in, so in the scorching heat we packed up, moved and began unpacking a house, and took in Capital Ex to end the day. Sunday was alright, still getting organized and a bit of chaos cleaning up the old place, etc, so I decided on Monday I would take one more day off, just to get things sorted out and actually rest a bit.
What was I thinking? Mom called to tell me that she couldn't renew my license (still in Saskatchewan) because it had been flagged, so I called SGI and got it sorted out, and by sorted it I mean they confirmed that I could renew my license if I personally went to Saskatchewan to do it, and also that they would honour my insurance on my vehicles until midnight on Tuesday (the 31st) in order for me to get them back across the border.
So, no work for the next two days, oh, and one car that doesn't start. So we get the Nova towed late on Monday night, luckily borrowing someone's CAA so that we didn't have to pay for it and Tuesday morning I wake up early and head over to the shop. I talk to the guy and tell him I just need it to start and get me home, nothing fancy and as cheap as possible, all by 4pm.. please, please, please. He tells me he will try. So I leave to run some errands for the day, rent a car to be able to get back from Saskatchewan (and located 2 more drivers), and a few other miscellaneous things. Pick Erick up from work at 2:30pm and head back to the shop to see how he is making out (considering I haven't heard from him all day). We get there and he makes a one phone call and informs us that it's hard to find the part because the car is so old, blah, blah (he even specifically says you can't just find it at Canadian Tire). At this point I'm certain he hasn't even made a call until that moment when I am standing there...GRRR! So we head to a locksmith to see if they can make a new key (maybe it will be an easy fix).. turns out the guy finds a part in the meantime but waits until we get back and the new key fails. So he says it's now too late to get the part in, but if we can get to a Canadian Tire and pick it up he will stay and do it...umm.. CANADIAN TIRE??? I thought we couldn't get one there?!! Idiot. Anyway, so we get the part and he finally gets it installed and the car starts perfectly, THANK GOD!
By this time it's 6:30pm and we were planning to leave around 4-- we head home to pack our stuff and get ready, by the time we head out of the city it's 9pm. Get to Provost around midnight and decide it's better if we take a nap because we are getting a little sleepy on the road. Finally after all is said and done we arrive at home in Saskatchewan at 7:30am Wednesday morning. What a LONG day/night. So we sleep for a few hours, wake up and deal with renewing my license and cancelling my plates, make a quick trip down to the river, home for supper and then back on the road again around 7pm (less than 12 hours after arriving). We arrived back in Edmonton around 1am and now here I am at work, dead tired, flat broke and walking on egg shells hoping that is the end of my bad karma...
What was I thinking? Mom called to tell me that she couldn't renew my license (still in Saskatchewan) because it had been flagged, so I called SGI and got it sorted out, and by sorted it I mean they confirmed that I could renew my license if I personally went to Saskatchewan to do it, and also that they would honour my insurance on my vehicles until midnight on Tuesday (the 31st) in order for me to get them back across the border.
So, no work for the next two days, oh, and one car that doesn't start. So we get the Nova towed late on Monday night, luckily borrowing someone's CAA so that we didn't have to pay for it and Tuesday morning I wake up early and head over to the shop. I talk to the guy and tell him I just need it to start and get me home, nothing fancy and as cheap as possible, all by 4pm.. please, please, please. He tells me he will try. So I leave to run some errands for the day, rent a car to be able to get back from Saskatchewan (and located 2 more drivers), and a few other miscellaneous things. Pick Erick up from work at 2:30pm and head back to the shop to see how he is making out (considering I haven't heard from him all day). We get there and he makes a one phone call and informs us that it's hard to find the part because the car is so old, blah, blah (he even specifically says you can't just find it at Canadian Tire). At this point I'm certain he hasn't even made a call until that moment when I am standing there...GRRR! So we head to a locksmith to see if they can make a new key (maybe it will be an easy fix).. turns out the guy finds a part in the meantime but waits until we get back and the new key fails. So he says it's now too late to get the part in, but if we can get to a Canadian Tire and pick it up he will stay and do it...umm.. CANADIAN TIRE??? I thought we couldn't get one there?!! Idiot. Anyway, so we get the part and he finally gets it installed and the car starts perfectly, THANK GOD!
By this time it's 6:30pm and we were planning to leave around 4-- we head home to pack our stuff and get ready, by the time we head out of the city it's 9pm. Get to Provost around midnight and decide it's better if we take a nap because we are getting a little sleepy on the road. Finally after all is said and done we arrive at home in Saskatchewan at 7:30am Wednesday morning. What a LONG day/night. So we sleep for a few hours, wake up and deal with renewing my license and cancelling my plates, make a quick trip down to the river, home for supper and then back on the road again around 7pm (less than 12 hours after arriving). We arrived back in Edmonton around 1am and now here I am at work, dead tired, flat broke and walking on egg shells hoping that is the end of my bad karma...
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Still Heading to Waterloo...
Hey All! I guess I best keep posting to keep my faithful readers coming back (considering the time between some posts..)! So, I have made a decision even before waiting to hear more from the graduate office at U of A and scholarships. I am still going to head off to Waterloo for the MBET. I have decided (and THANK YOU all for the words of advice) that if I don't take this opportunity right now I may very well not get the chance again in the future and would regret it, and we don't want that!
I went ahead and found a place in Waterloo which I am really excited for, I have an awesome landlady who is already doing everything to try and accommodate me from here, and I will be living with two other female graduate students, so I think it's going to be an awesome time! I also took out another student loan from the bank because the government one was not going to completely cover my expenses (for example they are giving me $550/month and my rent alone is $425). They say that education is good debt, so let's hope that it really pays off!
Nothing else is really new with me, this week is my "holiday" for the summer, I am off on Thursday and Friday (anyone guess why I chose those days?!) and really looking forward to taking a break and relaxing, hanging out with good friends and family. I am done work officially on August 24th (although might take that day off, or just work a half day..) and heading home to Saskatchewan for the big road trip out to Waterloo on the 25th (yup, we are going to drive!).
All in all, I went back and forth a bit, but I am now getting super excited and can't wait to be standing on a stage in a year graduating with my Masters' degree! :-D
Hope everyone is doing well (and those in Edmonton are checking out all the summer events..)!
I went ahead and found a place in Waterloo which I am really excited for, I have an awesome landlady who is already doing everything to try and accommodate me from here, and I will be living with two other female graduate students, so I think it's going to be an awesome time! I also took out another student loan from the bank because the government one was not going to completely cover my expenses (for example they are giving me $550/month and my rent alone is $425). They say that education is good debt, so let's hope that it really pays off!
Nothing else is really new with me, this week is my "holiday" for the summer, I am off on Thursday and Friday (anyone guess why I chose those days?!) and really looking forward to taking a break and relaxing, hanging out with good friends and family. I am done work officially on August 24th (although might take that day off, or just work a half day..) and heading home to Saskatchewan for the big road trip out to Waterloo on the 25th (yup, we are going to drive!).
All in all, I went back and forth a bit, but I am now getting super excited and can't wait to be standing on a stage in a year graduating with my Masters' degree! :-D
Hope everyone is doing well (and those in Edmonton are checking out all the summer events..)!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
What To Do?
Look at all the updates now!! Lol. Anyway, I have a bit of a dilemma and am wondering if anyone has any advice or words of wisdom. I recently got in contact with the Computing Science Graduate Studies office at University of Alberta; I was inquiring about whether I would meet the requirements for their PhD program after completing my MBET. It turns out that I will not, because the program is a Masters' in Business and because it is only 12 months it does not meet the U of A entrance requirements for a PhD in Computing Science.
Now this is a huge deal to me (and I am trying to arrange to go in and meet with the chair of this department to learn more), but eventually completing my PhD is my goal, and I'm not sure I am prepared to complete another Masters' program in Science before doing that. I am really excited about the MBET program and think that it's an excellent way to broaden my knowledge rather than focus it on a smaller area; reading about others' experiences in the program has gotten me excited for all the opportunities and experience it has to offer.
I guess I'm just confused about whether to continue on the path to complete the MBET or look into other Masters' programs in science. MBET in only one year and it is feasible to complete another Master's after that, however, even now Student Loans are starting to drown me and will hardly cover this year, so I wonder what they would be like after 1 Bachelor's Degree, 2 Masters' and a PhD??? I have so many things pulling me in both directions, I know I want to go to school, but the cost is a real factor right now, and I have had a couple job opportunities recently (with much better pay then I currently get) that are tempting, although doing jobs similar to what I currently do and I am finding this position fairly mundane and not challenging. So do I work through another year (trying to save some cash) and apply for a different Masters' program which would qualify me for the PhD program, or do I continue on the original path of the MBET and see what kinds of new opportunities present themselves afterwards???
Now this is a huge deal to me (and I am trying to arrange to go in and meet with the chair of this department to learn more), but eventually completing my PhD is my goal, and I'm not sure I am prepared to complete another Masters' program in Science before doing that. I am really excited about the MBET program and think that it's an excellent way to broaden my knowledge rather than focus it on a smaller area; reading about others' experiences in the program has gotten me excited for all the opportunities and experience it has to offer.
I guess I'm just confused about whether to continue on the path to complete the MBET or look into other Masters' programs in science. MBET in only one year and it is feasible to complete another Master's after that, however, even now Student Loans are starting to drown me and will hardly cover this year, so I wonder what they would be like after 1 Bachelor's Degree, 2 Masters' and a PhD??? I have so many things pulling me in both directions, I know I want to go to school, but the cost is a real factor right now, and I have had a couple job opportunities recently (with much better pay then I currently get) that are tempting, although doing jobs similar to what I currently do and I am finding this position fairly mundane and not challenging. So do I work through another year (trying to save some cash) and apply for a different Masters' program which would qualify me for the PhD program, or do I continue on the original path of the MBET and see what kinds of new opportunities present themselves afterwards???
Saturday, July 14, 2007
A Picture Diary from the last few months...
Look at us matchin..lol
Wedding in Etown
Canmore with the family
The BEAUTIFUL sisters at Cathy's convocation
Mini golfing with the kids on Mother's Day
My $20 BBQ..
Got my Mom to eat ugali with us :-)
Time to Eat :-)
Hanging out after the move..
Limo night with the girls!!
Trip Home with the boys..
Chillin with the girls..
Dancin' the night away..
Me and my honey
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Sorry it has been such a long time since I posted. I keep meaning to make a post when I am on my laptop so I can upload some pictures, but it seems I never find the time when I am at home. I guess a quick message with have to suffice for now. Summer has been going all right, the new place has been great, although Eric and I are hoping to find him a place starting in August and get everything moved and organized before I leave for Ontario. So far the plan is to drive out with some of the family and we'll be leaving around August 24th.
I am still really excited about going to Waterloo, but (and as always) stressing about the cost. I got my student loan approval back and it's going to be VERY tight, I'm searching for the cheapest living options so I have enough money left to eat lol. At points I go back and forth about going, but when I think about work and the kind of career I want to have I just have to go back to school now, if not now, then I don't know if I would ever do it.
So far this summer I haven't done too much, went to Canmore with the family for a weekend, which was a blast. We went white water rafting and took a gondola ride in Banff, had a fun night out with my sisters and cousin. Other than that I have pretty much been hanging around Edmonton, a couple trips to Camrose, nothing too exciting. I am taking a couple days off after my birthday (I think) but not sure if I'm going to do too much, probably just the same old, or possibly be moving stuff if Eric finds a place.
Can't think of much else to update you on, work is work, can't really complain. Hope summer is treating you all well and it's full of fun and exciting things! Take care..
I am still really excited about going to Waterloo, but (and as always) stressing about the cost. I got my student loan approval back and it's going to be VERY tight, I'm searching for the cheapest living options so I have enough money left to eat lol. At points I go back and forth about going, but when I think about work and the kind of career I want to have I just have to go back to school now, if not now, then I don't know if I would ever do it.
So far this summer I haven't done too much, went to Canmore with the family for a weekend, which was a blast. We went white water rafting and took a gondola ride in Banff, had a fun night out with my sisters and cousin. Other than that I have pretty much been hanging around Edmonton, a couple trips to Camrose, nothing too exciting. I am taking a couple days off after my birthday (I think) but not sure if I'm going to do too much, probably just the same old, or possibly be moving stuff if Eric finds a place.
Can't think of much else to update you on, work is work, can't really complain. Hope summer is treating you all well and it's full of fun and exciting things! Take care..
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Coconut Powered Vehicles
This seems to be the most brilliant idea ever, good for the environment, little modification to vehicles we already drive, and coconut farmers can get a cut of the booming oil industry cash... sign me up!
New Place!
Sooo...I officially moved into my new place for the summer on Sunday, so excited to be there, the place is gorgeous and the price and location are great, I'm going to be very sad to leave it at the end of August. I also bought a $20 bbq last night, got it cleaned up and made steak :-) It was spectacular!! I've been putting off the update until I had a chance to post some pictures, which I still intend to do, but just wanted to leave a quick note for everyone. I'm still looking forward to school in September and starting to worry about finding a place to live there, oh, I can't wait to stop moving around.... Enjoy the summer weather, I know I will!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Help Again...
Hey All,
Looking for a place to sublet/rent for May-Aug (hoping to move in ASAP), any openings?
Looking for a place to sublet/rent for May-Aug (hoping to move in ASAP), any openings?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Just a quick update, not too much is new, had a pretty low-key weekend which was nice, although it meant I didn't even get the housework done that I wanted. Monday afternoon I attended a funeral and reception with Eric, so had the afternoon off and consequently did not work late and yesterday I chose to go home at 4:30 instead of sticking around, this way I got my housework done and a wonderfully long sleep last night!! Today I'm sticking around work to do some more upgrades and overtime, I am thankful for all the overtime pay, but we get supper here when we stay and my body is getting tired of eating junk food for supper so often, so I will be glad when we are done. Nothing much else to write about, next weekend is Easter already, I can't believe that it came so fast, another long drive home, but hopefully a refreshing long weekend! Hope life is treating everyone well!
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Happy St Patty's Day..
Today is pretty uneventful at work, just enough stuff to keep me going though without getting too bored. My weekend was alright, Sandy came to visit me, as well as picked up Cathy and Benny from Camrose, and got to hang out with Ro, good friends always lead to a good time! Must say I am a lot less stressed about life than I was when I wrote the last post, from wonderful words of encouragement I have received from many sources, I have continued with the plan that I will attend the MBET program in the fall, and I am still extremely excited about it! The car situation is still in the works, but trying not to get too worked up about it anymore! Other than that, not much else to report on, I know this is pretty boring, but I want to try and keep it more up to date so people keep checking on me!! Hope everyone had a wonderful green weekend, especially those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries on the same day!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Ideas... Donations? Lol
Oh the joys and stresses of life! Today I wanted to put up a short post to see if anyone can help me out... first things first, yesterday I spent a good lot of time on the phone with different provincial registry offices, trying to figure out what I am supposed to do about my vehicles. Turns out there is no easy solution. I am no longer a student and live and work in Alberta, so technically I am supposed to register my vehicle here. Ok, so lets do that, BUT, first I need to have an out-of-province inspection, so i call a place that does such things and speak to a friendly, but honest lady. She says.. don't waste your money, the inspection is tough and even MUCH newer vehicles barely pass. Oh. So now what? There is also another catch, if I move to Ontario in September for school I can keep my Sask plates, but if I switch to Alberta, then I can't switch back to Sask unless I live there for three months prior to going to Ontario. Ha. So nobody has a solution that allows me to drive my car in Alberta. Next best thing, attempt to sell the car in Saskatchewan and then buy an equivalent car in Alberta, so anyone wanna trade?
Next issue, most of you know that I have been accepted into a Masters' Program in Waterloo, which I am really excited about and for which I have been granted a 15, 000 scholarship. Tuition for the program however, is 26,000 for one year (one year continuous Sept-Sept) after which I will be done!! On top of that there is living in Ontario. I have intended all along to take out more Student Loans to fund this excursion, as the general consensus, both from current students in the program and professors, is that there will not be time to hold down a part time job. However, there is major concern about graduating with excessive student loan debt and spending the rest of my life trying to pay it off... SOOOO, I am looking for some brainstorming ideas on how to get more assistance, I really want to complete this program now while I am still not settled in one place and excited to do it. Anyone know of any scholarships that apply to Business and Technology masters, Women in Technology, or anything else that applies? How about any great ideas for fundraising or odd job work I can do to get some extra cash? I'm open for any and all suggestions right now that will keep me in this program for Sept 2007....
Hope life is being a little less pressing for all of you...
Next issue, most of you know that I have been accepted into a Masters' Program in Waterloo, which I am really excited about and for which I have been granted a 15, 000 scholarship. Tuition for the program however, is 26,000 for one year (one year continuous Sept-Sept) after which I will be done!! On top of that there is living in Ontario. I have intended all along to take out more Student Loans to fund this excursion, as the general consensus, both from current students in the program and professors, is that there will not be time to hold down a part time job. However, there is major concern about graduating with excessive student loan debt and spending the rest of my life trying to pay it off... SOOOO, I am looking for some brainstorming ideas on how to get more assistance, I really want to complete this program now while I am still not settled in one place and excited to do it. Anyone know of any scholarships that apply to Business and Technology masters, Women in Technology, or anything else that applies? How about any great ideas for fundraising or odd job work I can do to get some extra cash? I'm open for any and all suggestions right now that will keep me in this program for Sept 2007....
Hope life is being a little less pressing for all of you...
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Edmonton Life
Hey all! Well again it's been awhile, one of these days I am going to be able to start my post without that statement! I hope people haven't given up on checking on my blog once in a while at least! So what's new with me, you ask? Lol. I am living in Edmonton officially now, since about the middle of January I was done at The Source in Camrose. Looking for a job here turned out to be more interesting than I had first expected. Most of the technology jobs (or at least a good lot of them) are posted through staffing agencies, so there were a lot of hoops to jump through. Although I did have a couple interviews and offers prior to starting my job (after 3 weeks of unemployed life!), I am glad that I held out. Right now I am working at an engineering company called Statec. They are a pretty big company, and so far a great place to work (although officially, I work for Diversified Staffing, so complicated...). I am doing some pretty basic help desk tasks, mostly updating workstations from Windows 2000 to Windows XP, not exactly where I want to be, but for now, a nice job. The job is temporary, and I hope that it can hold out until August for me, because after that I'M GOING BACK TO SCHOOL!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited about that?! Lol. I am getting really excited for the MBET program, they have offered me a hefty scholarship for this September and the program runs straight through Spring and Summer of next year, so I will be done in August 2008! Other than that, life is pretty good, just trying to relax and enjoy little things as they come and go. Haven't been very good at keeping in touch with everyone since I've been living here, but please give me a call anytime, I'm always up for a drink (whether it's coffee or something stronger) or an interesting new adventure!! Hope life is treating you all well....
Tuesday, January 2, 2007
Happy New Year!!!!!
Welcome to 2007, and just for the occasion I thought it was definately time to put up a new post, particulary since its been so long I am guessing people have stopped checking :-S So, I am currently still working in Camrose, at least for the next week, but I am also officially moved to Edmonton, so I am really excited about that. I got the chance to take a week off and head home for Christmas, was so nice to see all my family, it felt like so long, although I guess it wasn't so bad, only missed Thanksgiving... made it back to Edmonton for New Years Eve and had a great time hanging out with lots of friends I had also not seen in awhile. I am really excited about moving to Edmonton, and this morning I woke up to a call for a job interview, so I have my fingers crossed that will work out for me! Nothing much else is new I guess, I'm still pondering the idea of going back to school in September to do my masters, but will have to wait and see how the next few months go. I'll put some pictures of New Years and Tiana's new lil baby up now for your enjoyment!!
Christmas Day

Jada Isabelle

New Years Eve 2006/2007

Well there's a little update for you all :-) Enjoy!
Christmas Day

Jada Isabelle

New Years Eve 2006/2007

Well there's a little update for you all :-) Enjoy!
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