Monday, June 26, 2006

Tired Day

Well today I'm feeling quite slow... a little tired and very much ready for my upcoming holiday at home! :-) Work has been a little frustrating, as debugging a program can be (especially ones I thought were working fine). But tomorrow after work I am heading home for almost a week (with the help of the long weekend) as its my sister's grad on the 28th. Over the long weekend, Sydney, Matt and Cathy are coming down to join me, and I am pretty excited, cuz we are going to have a blast!!! Heading to the drive-in to check out The Wild one evening, and down to the river for some swimming and being beach bums, I can't wait! For a quick update on Brazil, still waiting on some documents before I can send my visa application, and the savings fund is growing, slowly, but nonetheless growing, so soon I will be able to purchase my ticket and have a much more definite timeline of when I will be leaving and when I have to decide what I will be doing with all my stuff while I am away. Cathy and I are about to head home for a RELAXING evening, I hope!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was so much fun to have you home for almost a week!! I really enjoyed our time together.
