Well, I started my birthday off well, had a good night got to see tons of people and all in all brought in 23 with a bang. Then, Thursday started. Found out on Thursday that we had to be out of our place by Tuesday (some issues with the subletting contract I guess) and so begins my mad scramble. So, Friday we were able to find a place and Saturday we luckily were allowed to move in, so in the scorching heat we packed up, moved and began unpacking a house, and took in Capital Ex to end the day. Sunday was alright, still getting organized and a bit of chaos cleaning up the old place, etc, so I decided on Monday I would take one more day off, just to get things sorted out and actually rest a bit.
What was I thinking? Mom called to tell me that she couldn't renew my license (still in Saskatchewan) because it had been flagged, so I called SGI and got it sorted out, and by sorted it I mean they confirmed that I could renew my license if I personally went to Saskatchewan to do it, and also that they would honour my insurance on my vehicles until midnight on Tuesday (the 31st) in order for me to get them back across the border.
So, no work for the next two days, oh, and one car that doesn't start. So we get the Nova towed late on Monday night, luckily borrowing someone's CAA so that we didn't have to pay for it and Tuesday morning I wake up early and head over to the shop. I talk to the guy and tell him I just need it to start and get me home, nothing fancy and as cheap as possible, all by 4pm.. please, please, please. He tells me he will try. So I leave to run some errands for the day, rent a car to be able to get back from Saskatchewan (and located 2 more drivers), and a few other miscellaneous things. Pick Erick up from work at 2:30pm and head back to the shop to see how he is making out (considering I haven't heard from him all day). We get there and he makes a one phone call and informs us that it's hard to find the part because the car is so old, blah, blah (he even specifically says you can't just find it at Canadian Tire). At this point I'm certain he hasn't even made a call until that moment when I am standing there...GRRR! So we head to a locksmith to see if they can make a new key (maybe it will be an easy fix).. turns out the guy finds a part in the meantime but waits until we get back and the new key fails. So he says it's now too late to get the part in, but if we can get to a Canadian Tire and pick it up he will stay and do it...umm.. CANADIAN TIRE??? I thought we couldn't get one there?!! Idiot. Anyway, so we get the part and he finally gets it installed and the car starts perfectly, THANK GOD!
By this time it's 6:30pm and we were planning to leave around 4-- we head home to pack our stuff and get ready, by the time we head out of the city it's 9pm. Get to Provost around midnight and decide it's better if we take a nap because we are getting a little sleepy on the road. Finally after all is said and done we arrive at home in Saskatchewan at 7:30am Wednesday morning. What a LONG day/night. So we sleep for a few hours, wake up and deal with renewing my license and cancelling my plates, make a quick trip down to the river, home for supper and then back on the road again around 7pm (less than 12 hours after arriving). We arrived back in Edmonton around 1am and now here I am at work, dead tired, flat broke and walking on egg shells hoping that is the end of my bad karma...